
I am a Supervising Advocate and a qualified IMHA (Independant Mental Health Advocate), who has been working in forensic psychiatric secure services. I am an accredited and qualified Supervisor for groups and individuals, and a accred. trainer.

I am currently working in the business development dept. within a non-profit making advocacy charity, developing fundraising policies & procedures, increasing social media activity, collecting stories, editing them and undergoing an intensive one year secondment to learn all about bids and tenders, including how to write them.

I am also a qualified counsellor.

I am writing this blog and encouraging everyone who reads it, to post their experiences of advocacy, whether they have accessed advocacy support or not.

What stopped you, what helped you? Who encouraged you or held you back? Did you know your rights? Do you know your rights today? What is your understanding of advocacy?

‘My Story’ is my account of what led me onto the career path I am now on and I could probably name many more occasions throughout my lifetime, of when I could have used the support of an advocate, which I will share with you through my blog.

As my story illustrates, I did not know what advocacy was in real terms, let alone where to go to access it. When my brother was living in supported rehabilitation accomodation, he was poorly yet seemingly recovering, my emotions were like a rollercoasters twists and turns, and I was holding onto hope; a true white knuckle ride!

In my experience, feelings and emotional connections make it difficult to think through the fog and know what is needed. The confusion and feeling alone, actually kept me alone and confused for a lot longer than, I now know, was necessary.

In this blog, I aim to highlight, through stories, others bravery and determination to speak out and speak up; what advocacy is and how it helps, to have that independant professional support and expertise. Someone alongside you.

I want my blog to be informative through story.

‘Follow’ my blog and get involved.

Tell it like it is; poems, raps, stories, rhymmes, quotes which say it for you, art …

If you would like to contact me, use the form below and I will get back to you.

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