
…was born about 496 BC in Colonus Hippius (now part of Athens), he was to become one of the great playwrights of the golden age. The son of a wealthy merchant, he would enjoy all the comforts of a thriving Greek empire.

Sophocles wrote more than 100 plays {}

According to some accounts, Sophocles son’s tried to have him deemed incompetent near the end of his life, aged early nineties.

It occurs to me that Sophocles may have needed an advocate, even though he clearly didn’t lack words, knowing when and how to use them.

In 496 BC I doubt there were peoples’ rights and advocacy services to promote them, such as we have today.

In the 21st Century, we do have rights and advocacy services. Let’s know them and understand them whatever our age, culture, life choices, intellectual ability, personal situation, gender etc.

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